Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Health Care Reform Calling Doctor Medicine

Forty percent of employers surveyed said they are likely to increase the amount their workers pay out of pocket for doctor visits. Almost as many said they are likely to raise annual deductibles and the amount workers pay for prescription drugs. Nine percent said they plan to...(continue reading washington post article)

I can only sigh and say the solution for health care in America is very simple. Unless politicians just want to keep playing games with other peoples lives. Simply get the people health care first and then let the journalists continue writing brilliant articles about our economic strife. At least will people will be healthy enough to make changes. There is going to be debt either way.

It should be rather simple. Like, for instance, the composition called Doctor Medicine. It's not very complicated, yet it states something very plain about what people need.

South Memphis Jug Band – “Doctor Medicine” mp3


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