Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's Black History Month: So What!

If least it was. I am a little late. And I'm sorry I missed most of it, but you see...I was on tour. Even in the make believe land of the internet I have places to see...things to do. I know Miles is a great part of Black History, but if you want to hear some spectacular moments from an era that started the music scene off for African Americans...check out
Public Domain 2ten

See you on the next train...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010: EC (Economically Correct) = Free Music

Hello there. Happy New Year. Is there something that is heavy on your mind this year? I bet it's money. Yes, it seems that many of us are struggling to maintain some sort of equilibrium with our financial situation. I do not know the answer to that one, honestly. But while you are attempting to do just that, there is something that can help assist you. As a composer, I am confidant that
music is the key. And free music is exactly what I am referring to. So I will direct you to some sites that offer free mp3 down loads.

Each of these pictures represents a website dedicated to this task. I don't know where these people find the time to do this, but the work has been done. They have searched and found the music for you, so that you don't have to waste any of your time looking. Just pick and click and download for free. They must be crazy, or something. Or have nothing better to do with their personal time. Either way, it is the quintessential meaning of EC. Economically Correct. The way to start off the year 2010. Enjoy!

(fake) Duke Ellington